Sunday, October 30, 2011

Making the Best of a Bad Reputation

People form reputations about things based on the footprints they create. Footprints exist in almost every aspect of life, whether virtual or literal. When visiting the ocean, footprints stay behind in the sand. Some say that using plastic grocery bags contributes to environmental carbon footprints. Even the computer you’re using to read this article leaves something called a desktop footprint. Which brings us to the most important type of footprint of all -- the ones our characters create in a role play setting.

The Gossip
You've heard a juicy secret, and know it's because you heard it from your best friend’s boyfriend’s step-mother’s bloodlined half-sister’s clan leader’s daughter. And she would never lie. When this happens, just nip it in the bud. Reply that you aren’t interested in the information (even if you really are). And if you have the urge to spread gossip, don't. Remember -- those who gossip with you, are the first to gossip about you. But if life finds you being labelled a gossip, put it to good use. Gather all those secrets together in a volume and sell it to the highest bidder. (Just don’t forget to save a copy for yourself!)

The Sexual Deviant
Every organisation has one. (Cyrene has at least three. Possibly four.) Even if you’re as pure as Vashnarian snow, use common sense. If you dress the part, then expect people to talk about you. While it's possible to both dress in a sexy way and be seen as a classy person, regardless of race or gender, it's far easier to labelled the town strumpet. Should you fall victim to this, consider a career in designing appropriately themed fashion or culinary items. If crafters touting themselves as total prudes can earn coin in that way, then why can't you?

The Know-It-All
Psst. If people call you this, it isn’t because you really know everything, and they don’t exactly mean it as a compliment. No one will fault you if you aren’t first to answer every question asked on public channels, or don't offer help to those in need. If this is your life's misdeed, try taking up a hobby instead. The lepidopterist beneath the archway to Minia accepts help from adventurers of all ages.

The Enemy
This isn't necessarily someone found in a formal list of enemies. It could be someone listed as a fellow organisational member, or even a bloodlined family member. The stabbing pain that occurs between your shoulders any time you turn your back will alert you to them. If it turns out that the enemy is you, then it’s best to burn as many bridges as possible. It's doubtful that you'll need them later anyway.

The Brown-Noser
When it comes to helping those in power, these folk may as well don a red cape because they are the superheroes of kissing up. When entrusted with even the simplest of tasks, they go above and beyond doing extra work wherever possible. They pay attention to small details, using the information to make life easier for those in leadership. If this is you, pay petty comments from others no mind at all. They're just jealous they didn't think of it first.

Stereotypes are often a miserable aspect of social behaviour. If you are a target of someone else's negative social label, consider the chance that you could be doing something that lends a ring of truth to the cliché. However, there’s a greater chance that the person suffers from a terrible affliction known as petty jealousy. If you ventured into a text-based realm hoping to escape them then you’re out of luck. These sad folk exist in every domain. If trying to work things out with them doesn't work then kill them with kindness. Be nice to them until they just can't take it anymore, give up, and leave you alone in favour of picking on a new target.

Written by: Becky James as Penelope Swain

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