Saturday, July 28, 2012

Something Else Saturday - A Crappy Question about Zombies

Yesterday the fireman and I sneaked away from the Things and went food shopping. Of course, nobody should go food shopping on an empty stomach, so we headed to lunch first. On the way the conversation turned to one of our favorite topics -- zombies! As we discussed our favorite highlights from Season 2 of AMC's the Walking Dead and pondered what Season 3 might have in store, we came up with some fairly valid questions. Here are our top 3.

QUESTION 01: Do zombies poop?

RESEARCH: Researching this question yielded conflicting answers. On one hand, zombies are able to walk around with their intestines hanging out. And the upper half of the woman crawling around in the first episode of Season 1 had no gastrointestinal track a tall. However, Daryl opened the stomach of the zombie to deduct that it wasn't eating flesh.

ANSWER: Undetermined.

QUESTION 02: Can zombies fall in love?

RESEARCH: In an early Walking Dead episode, Sheriff Rick briefly teams up with Morgan Jones, who evacuated with his wife, Jenny, and their son before the outbreak. When a zombie infected Jenny, Morgan and their son left her on her own with her new zombie brethren. Each night she came to the house where they were staying and scraped at the front door, trying to get to them despite the fact that scientific research suggests that zombies are incapable of feeling most types of emotion beyond hunger or rage.

ANSWER: Maybe!

QUESTION 03: What about vegan zombies?

RESEARCH: This question was brought up by the fireman, who said, "Well what about your friend Dawn? How would she survive being a zombie?" For those of you who haven't been to the Dragonflies@Dawn blog, she not only has to deal with food allergies, but she recently decided to go vegan to boot. However, research shows she's in luck! A Japanese noodle company adopted a new mascot recently -- an adorable zombie with noodles for brains.

ANSWER: Long live vegan zombies!

And there you have it! Be sure to come back on Tastefully Tuesday when I share a recipe that has plenty of noodles without involving brains or zombies. Here's a little video to amuse you until then. Have an awesome weekend.

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