Friday, June 29, 2012

Dawn and Becky's Big Craft Challenge - The Nontraditional Kitchen Item

During the month of July I'm teaming up with @Dragonflies-at-Dawn and friends for a little crafting challenge. Are you a craft-a-holic? Do you enjoy re-purposing or up-cycling things, breathing new life into them and possibly using them in ways their original creators never could have imagined? If you answered yes to any of this, then this challenge also extends to you!

The 3 W's

WHAT - An item that wasn't meant to be used in the kitchen.

WHERE - You can find it anywhere used goods are sold - thrift store, yard sale, flea market, ReStore, or even use something you already own that's somewhere else besides the kitchen.

WHAT - Now that you have your item, refurbish it into something that's definitely for use in the kitchen.

For example, this person took old wooden crates and upcycled them into cabinets. But we really don't expect you to do anything that elaborate. Unless, that is, you really want to wow us!

Please Share

We're showing off our fabulous "new" items at the end of July, and would love to share yours in a linky party. Did you see this on Pinterest? If so, please re-pin and get the word out. The more people who participate, the better! And if you have questions, please direct them to the comments section below.


  1. Hi Dawn, I would love to enter my re-purposed kitchen island. What should I do?


    Lisa @ P&S

  2. Hi Lisa! I love, love, LOVE that little red island. Dawn will be posting a bit later letting us know how we can all share our creations. Mine's still in progress and has the assistance of my almost-14-year-old with the spray painting. Fingers crossed! -- Becky


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