Saturday, May 12, 2012

Best Mother's Day Gift Ever

Today, after having breakfast at the firehouse, my guys decided to go Mother's Day shopping at the local flea market. I was a little skeptical. (Okay no, really, I was a LOT skeptical.) Past holiday surprises required a bottle of Pepto. (Or better yet, a T-box.)

Seriously, these are the same two kids who went Christmas shopping at the Dollar Tree and brought home a plastic pony and pet antlers. For me. That was my Christmas gift that year.

Most pets don't even like pet antlers. Why would someone buy them for a human? Or tell a kid it's okay to buy their mom pet antlers? Yes, their father (aka my husband, aka "the fireman") was with them. He thought it was cute. But, I digress.

The guys returned home from the flea market and said they got me the coolest gift ever and I will love it, and even offered to give it to me a day early. As a general rule I dislike surprises and wasn't looking forward to seeing it. However, they proved me wrong. They proved me so wrong that I am still in shock. I opened my eyes and saw this:

I KNOW RIGHT?! And when you open it up, it looks like THIS inside!

And there's a tray that lifts out. Guess where all my nail polish is RIGHT NOW. *happy dance* Oh yeah. In the American Tourister Train Case. And it's ORGANIZED! And my youngest let it slip that they only paid $12 for it. I was all, "Shut. Up." What a steal!

Next week (or like, later today) when my boys are bickering and won't leave each other alone and are driving me nuts, I need to reflect back on the sheer euphoria of this moment and remember how incredibly thoughtful they were towards me today. <3

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