Wednesday, May 30, 2012

31 Ways to Waste Time - Day 30

Inspired by yesterday's find of a decent Kate Spade (probably knock-off) handbag for just $2.99 at a local thrift store, today's way to waste time online is thrift store shopping. What, you say? I already covered eBay and Etsy, you say? But wait, there's more!

You can shop Goodwill online! That's right. Don't you dare even think of changing out of those pajama pants. Goodwill makes it easy to peruse their best donated items by listing them in a handy dandy auction. Here are some of the things on the website right now. Depending on when you read this, this list could differ greatly.

Vintage fire truck - Currently $24

Several pounds of unsorted jewelry - Currently $81

Vintage Delaware medical license - Currently $3
It's a safe bet that there's something for everyone at the Goodwill online retail center. What are your recent thrift-store finds? I'd love to hear about them!

1 comment:

  1. It's really a good thing I'm not into auctions, this would doom me. Wednesday's half off is bad enough.

    And seriously - purse envy. ;)


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