Wednesday, May 23, 2012

31 Ways to Waste Time - Day 23

Today's way to waste time is one of my absolute favorites - free online jigsaw puzzles. With work slowing down a bit this week, I was able to enjoy putting a puzzle or two (or seven) together recently. Here's one of my favorites.

In case you're wondering why this is so much better than the dust-covered box on top your fridge that is missing a few pieces really only good for re-purposing as a family puzzle piece craft project, keep reading.

Jigsaw puzzles online promote good brain health by forcing you to remember sequences of colors, shapes, and sizes. It's one of the few pastimes that truly incorporates both left and right brain activity.

Jigsaw puzzles online are perfect for multi-taskers. While doing a puzzle I can negotiate with a client, upload or download files for my boss, keep an eye on Twitter updates, and answer a text from my husband, and never lose my progress.

Jigsaw puzzles online are safe from spills from things like a clumsy teenager's soda.

Jigsaw puzzles online help me think clearly about other things. It's often during an online jigsaw puzzle that I get an idea for something to write, something to cook for dinner, or somewhere to go on our next family day trip adventure.

Jigsaw puzzles online can't be knocked off the table by the family dog, or cat, or small child.

Jigsaw puzzles online inspire learning, because when I'm done I often feel myself looking up more information about topic of the puzzle. Where was that awesome sunset photo taken? Who cooked that delicious-looking cheeseburger? What two dogs were bred to get that adorable mutt of a puppy?  You get the idea.

Jigsaw puzzles online are free. Need I say more?

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