Friday, April 6, 2012

Lost Word of the Day - Foppotee

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What a pitiful foppotee he was, always oblivious to our jeers!

I asked each of my boys separately, "If I asked you what a foppotee was, what would you think the word meant?"

The younger son asked for it to be used in a sentence, to which I replied: Do your home school work so you won't grow up to be a foppottee. He guessed the definition would be idiot. Close enough!

The older son, once wrestled away from the XBOX360 where he was catching up on Murder She Wrote via Netflix, also asked for it to be used in a sentence. I gave the same example. He guessed the definition would be stupid person. That works, too.

A lot of what we know of the English language comes from hearing the words used in proper context. It's not only important that we know what the words mean, but also how the right way to use them in a sentence. Reading is one way to help boost your overall comprehension of the English language. Another way is to surround yourself with people who are well-spoken.

Someone who is adept at public speaking is not the same as someone who is adept at writing. They're two completely different elements. By combining the two you have a greater chance at increasing your vocabulary, improving your reading comprehension, and if nothing else, sounding like you're smarter than you actually are.

Don't be a foppotee. Get off the internet and go read a book or something!

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