Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lost Word of the Day - Desarcinate

desarcinatev1656 -1736
to unload; to unburden
She haughtily ordered her butler to desarcinate her baggage from the car.

Let me desarcinate on all of you for a moment, about my love of reality television. Here are three of my favorites in no particular order:

Dance Moms - This show makes me happy that my sons don't care for dancing. The moms are catty and the teacher is unprofessional. In last night's spring mid-season finale the teacher, Abby Lee Miller, dramatically actually left in the middle of a competition. This was the result of two things. First, her pet dancer, Maddie, forgot her choreography in the middle of a performance. (Sorry, I didn't feel that bad for her. It showed that she's as human and imperfect as the rest of the girls in the group. And really, Chloe has a sweeter personality and is a more beautiful dancer anyway. Maddie is a lovely little girl but she comes across as a spoiled brat with a mom who's doing whatever it takes to make sure she stays teacher's pet.) Secondly, Abby Lee's arch-nemesis, The Candy Apples Dance Studio, beat out the group performance by one point, coming in 9th over Abby Lee's dancers who placed 10th.

Toddlers and Tiaras - For the longest time I thought this was called Toddlers In Tiaras and snickered thinking that its initials spelled out something naughty. This show makes me glad that I don't have kids in pageants. While pageants can be a great way to earn scholarship money, it will never equal what some of these moms put into their daughters' wardrobes of gaudy outfits and overpriced props. Honestly, if they kept their kids out of pageants and stuck that money into some savings bonds, they'd easily pay for their kid's college and probably someone else's kid, too.

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - The more I watch the gypsy weddings, the more ready I am to pack up everything I own, move to England, and live the life of a British Gypsy. Have you SEEN their dresses? They make the pageant dresses on TaTs look like potato sacks. Seriously. They had one dress that...well, words don't do it justice. Here:

Yes, those are twinkling fairy lights under the dress. When I saw it, I was all, "OMG! HONEY! We have to get married again! I want that dress!" And my husband replied with something not fit to be repeated in public. But anyway, their weddings are just totally badass and if I hit lotto and disappear, don't go looking for me. I'm probably living it up with the gypsies.

P.S. @Dawn - There will be shoes. Oh yes, there will absolutely, positively be shoes. And you can bet that the shoes will be covered in all kinds of sparkly bling.

1 comment:

  1. At first glance I thought those shoes were sparkly googly eyes and got creeped out. Now I'm just trying to figure out what to wear them with, or if my friend Donna would borrow them and just never give them back.


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