Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Writing is exploration.You start from nothing and learn as you go." ~ E. L. Doctorow

This is so true. With almost anything I'm writing, I follow a specific, fairly methodical process. The systematic order goes something like this:

  1. Jot down thoughts and ideas, using specific keywords but avoiding specific phrases
  2. Turn the notes into a working outline that represents paragraphs
  3. Refine the outline so that each "paragraph" section has enough bullet points for making at least the minimum amount of sentences for a paragraph
  4. Using the outline, create a rough (i.e. working) draft of the piece
  5. Read aloud, tweaking as necessary
Tada! Spellcheck and grammar problems that MS Word doesn't find are usually picked up in the last step. All the best for a productive writing day!


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