Thursday, March 29, 2012

Peace On Earth

"Parents are not quite interested in justice, they are interested in quiet." ~ Bill Cosby

This is very true. As a mom of two teenage boys, I often don't pay attention as I should to their bickering. I don't care who is right or wrong when bickering ensues; but I care very much about having peace and quiet restored as quickly and painlessly as possible.

However, that is not going to be a problem between now and Easter Sunday. We've dropped the oldest off for a visit with my in-laws. The youngest had a visit last fall, and now it's his brother's turn. I'm more than ready for a break after the past few weeks of rebellion, foul language, and blatant disrespect for other family members. (But enough about my own bad habits -- har, har.)

Do I feel guilty about admitting that I need a break from my kids? No, not one bit. They need a break from me too, especially when you consider that they are basically with me 24/7.

My in-laws and I don't always see eye to eye about my kids. There are a lot of things we disagree about regarding politics, finances, and other hot button topics. But they unconditionally love my kids, and I know they would never let any harm come to the boys.

With that in mind, bring on Spring Break! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to kick it off by escaping with my partner in crime for a mani-pedi.

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