Tuesday, March 27, 2012

So Happy Together

"Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller

That quote is very true.

Recently I started overbidding on jobs, and giving myself longer deadlines in hopes that new clients would say, "Oh, she's too expensive" or "We want work done faster than that." But no, they just keep hiring me to do more work! Which isn't a bad thing, but still...when I added up all the jobs I had lined up for the next two weeks, the total equaled more than 35,000 written words. And four pieces of art. What the heck was I thinking.

I did not freak out. I stayed calm. And I hired two people that I am using as ghost writers. Because most of the work that I do is just fodder for websites, and more a way to get the attention of a search engine than something that people will read, any decent writer can do it.

The weight that lifted off my shoulders this afternoon was amazing. I'm so relaxed, I don't think I'll have any trouble getting to sleep tonight.

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