Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why People Date in MMORPGs

Forget services that try to find your perfect love match or help you create that special harmony with your true love. Internet dating can be a real let down, especially if customers go into it hoping for the happily-ever-after featured in a cleverly scripted middle of the night television advertisement. If you’re truly interested in finding someone compatible with your deepest desires, look no further than your nearest Iron Realms role playing game!

Physical appearance
Everybody knows the photos used for internet dating sites are staged. Even if someone does look that good on camera, there's no guarantee their fairer features will carry over into real life. So what if you’ve been playing rpg games for 30+ hours and look like death’s third cousin? Thanks to the ability to customize your rpg game character you can look as stunningly beautiful (or as unspeakably ugly) as your heart desires. And the best part is, nobody has to know that you’re still in pajamas, haven’t showered or combed your hair, or that you have a last night’s dinner of fast food tacos gracing the front of your shirt.

Social status
Here’s a chance to boast to all your friends about your long-distance rpg game lover who is head of an inter-regional corporation that promotes organic healing products. Why ruin their awe and cease their well wishes to you by telling them the truth -- that he’s thirty-four, between jobs and spends his free time playing the leader of a forestal house in an online role playing game environment? And don’t worry if it doesn’t work out. In a virtual realm, everything can be altered. Goodbye, stigma associated with divorce because for a one-time fee it can be removed from your rpg game record.

Low risk of disease
Unless your computer catches something from the relationship being taken outside the role playing game to instant messages, web cams or emails, it’s fairly certain that a sexually transmitted virus isn’t something on your list of concerns.

Less expensive
Don’t let minor obstacles like the Atlantic Ocean prevent you from having a torrid affair with an exotic foreigner. Thanks to Iron Realms role playing games, the opportunities are not only endless, but they’re also really inexpensive, especially when you consider all the rpg game classes that possess some kind of cool insta-travel ability. Why waste real time and real money on a relationship outside the realm when you can delve into a perfectly good roleplaying game adventure for free?

Unlikely risk of a hidden past
One of the many benefits of a close-knit roleplay community is that everyone knows someone that knows someone else. If not, obtaining public knowledge about another rpg game character is as close as their HONOURS information. And if worst comes to worst, you can always peruse the forums.

In summary, love doesn't come with a guarantee in any realm, regardless if you’re living just across town or halfway across the world from one another. Regardless of your situation, finding love is a bit like playing the Iron Lottery. If you don’t make the effort to enter the contest, then you’re sure to wind up losing every time the winning tickets are selected.

Written by: Becky James as Penelope Swain
Edited by: Tony Celentano

Read this article and more like it on the Iron Realms website!

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