Friday, May 11, 2012

31 Ways to Waste Time - Day 11

Some people make blog posts ahead of time and wrap them up in a neat and tidy schedule allowing them a bunch of free time in between writing. I'm not one of those people. And sadly, I haven't had much opportunity to waste time since deciding this would be the topic for the month of May. Even though this blog has very few readers, and just one loyal follower, I won't let that discourage me from the task at hand.

The subject of today's blog post was originally the games and puzzles at National Geographic's website. Then, it was going to be People of Walmart because I have to go there later today and honestly, where I live you never know what you'll see. But then, this happened.

So now, not only do I set pans of water on fire but the skill has also been handed down to my children. Let nobody ever say that I didn't teach my sons any domestic skills. (Just don't claim they're GOOD domestic skills.) The irony is that I'm married to a firefighter who is working a 24 hour shift at the firehouse today.

In light of today's kitchen mishap, Day 11's way to waste time involves Sparky the Fire Dog. You can play games, print coloring pages, and read about fire safety. You can even send Sparky-themed eCards, like this one.

In all seriousness, we're glad to know that the fire extinguisher not only works, but was also extremely easy to use. It was my first time and I was a little out of sorts, being unable to find the flour. My husband does 99% of the cooking (Really? You have to ask why?) and hid it in the freezer. Something about weevils and junk. My son asked me what comes out of a fire extinguisher. I looked at him through the haze of extremely black smoke and told him that was a home school lesson for a different day. Now I'm off to find something for lunch that doesn't require use of any appliance other than the microwave. Or maybe the blender.

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