Showing posts with label sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunrise. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lost Word of the Day - Halatinous

halatinousadj1886 -1886
saline; salty
The halatinous mist brought back memories of his childhood at the seashore.

Next year, I'd like a more halatinous Easter Sunday. Waking up in time for sunrise services would be a lot easier if I knew it was at an ocean locale. And to be perfectly honest, if I'd thought of it last night then I would have driven my family the 4-ish hours to the seashore to arrive in time, because that's how much I love the ocean.

Alas, it's just after 10:00 a.m. and everyone here is still asleep, save for my youngest son who is begrudgingly walking the dogs. (These kids...they're all...gimme an allowance. But then when asked to do something they whine and complain. Seriously? An allowance is not an entitlement. However, I digress.)

We don't do the Easter Bunny thing. We don't color eggs. This year, we didn't go to church. But if we had, we don't go out buying new Easter clothes. We're not heathens. We don't really do much of anything for Easter, at all, except spend time together as a family. For our family, it's never really been much about the bunny anyway.

For people who do go all out, buying new outfits, slaving away for hours over a ham dinner with all the trimmings, enjoying one egg hunt after another, that's cool, too -- for them. But for us it would be something more akin to torture at this point. We talked about waking up early and escaping to somewhere with no wifi but considering how we're doing something similar next Saturday, it seemed more prudent to save the gas money.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter, however you spend it.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

"Even though it was six o'clock, there was no sense of approaching dawn." ~ Mary Higgins Clark

It is 6:10 and there is not only a sense of approaching dawn here, but as I type I'm also watching it peek up from the horizon. Its pink and orange fingers stretch out, colorfully creeping into the sky and slowly revealing the majestic ocean, like a curtain rising up to reveal the stage set for the next scene of a play.